


Pediatric Support it is an application addressed to health professionals since it requires specialized training for correct interpretation and use. The main objective is to facilitate integral handling in the Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS).

It is also very useful in the calculation of doses to administer many drugs necessary for managing a pediatric emergency situation.

You only need to configure the language and the procedure protocol –European Resuscitation Council (ERC) or American Heart Association (AHA)-, when installing the application..

This configuration can be changed from Settings.

Internet access is required to use the Android version. Check Google Play Licensing.

When used Pediatric Support, prevents the device from going Sleep Mode.

The professional must type in the child's Age (the years and months) and Weight, and all functions in Pediatric Support will be automatically adjusted and calculated.

If you do not know either of these two values - is necessary that you know at least one of them, Age or Weight-, please type in the approximate values (p50) that are calculated with one of the Pediatric Support functions (Approximate estimated data). Once the information is loaded, press the VALIDATE button.

We will only need to select the mg/Kg to be administered on those drugs which require it due to medical practice.

Data imput Pediatric Support

Pediatric Support is composed by several different Functions such as:

Function Interventions and MaterialYou can consult interventions to perform and all necessary material to be used during Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), according to the guidelines 2015 of the ERC and AHA.

  • It explains airway management and the necessary material; cardioversion and defibrillation; how to do chest compressions, insertion of intraosseous access …

  • Mechanical ventilation: basic settings for ventilatory parameters are indicated, adequate to the child's characteristics.

  • Vital Constants are two graphs with Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) and diastolic (DBP between the p5 and p95; heart rate and normal breathing frequency for the child's characteristics.

Pediatric Support indicates all drugs how to administer it, its preparation/dilution, the milligrams to be administrated in relation to the age and weight of child and millilitres to administrate once the drug is prepared/diluted.

Function Advanced Life SupportAre the specifications in the previously indicated guidelines 2015 ERC and AHA.

  • The display allows rapid visualization of the drug, which indicates how to perform dilution and milliliters of this we administer to provide the appropriate dose.
  • The drugs are: Amiodarone, Blood *, Calcium Chloride, Colloids, Crystalloids, Epinephrine, Lidocaine, Magnesium Sulfate and Sodium Bicarbonate.

Advanced Life Support Drugs

Function Algorithms and TablesWith this function you have access to 15 algorithms and tables allow quick consultation and decision making.

The images can be expanded and browse them.

The algorithms and tables are:

  • Airway Obstruction, foreign body, algorithm.
  • Anaphylaxis treatment, algorithm.
  • Asthma Pulmonary Score (PS).
  • Asthma Status, Management algorithm. 

  • Basic Life Support, algorithm.
  • Burn, body surface area.
  • Convulsions, Management algorithm.
  • Epileptic status, Management algorithm.
  • Glasgow scale.
  • Induction anesthesia, rapid sequence.
  • Narrow Complex Tachycardia, algorithm.
  • Non-Shockable Rhythms.
  • Paim treatment, Table drugs.
  • Shockable Rhythms.
  • Wide Complex Tachycardia, algorithm.

Pediatric Support helps prevent mistakes that do not have to perform calculations in pressure moments in which we can have errors.

Function Perenteral Drugs

  • Are commonly used for handling convulsion crisis, status epilepticus, Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT), anaphylactic shock, sedation, anaesthesia, analgesia, asthmatic status, intoxications, etc ...
  • The drugs are: Adenosine, Albuterol/Salbutamol, Amiodarone, Atropine, Biperiden, Dexamethasone, Dexchlorpheniramine, Diazepam, Epinephrine, Etomidate, Fentanyl, Flumazenil, Furosemide, Glucagon, Glucose, Hydrocortisone, Ketamine, Ketorolac, Labetalol, Levetiracetam, Lorazepam, Magnesium Sulfate, Meperidine, Metamizole, Methylprednisolone, Metoclopramide, Midazolam, Morphine, Naloxone, Neostigmine, Octreotide, Omeprazole, Ondansetron, Paracetamol, Phenobarbital, Phenytoin, Procainamide, Propofol, Ranitidine, Rocuronium, Succinylcholine, Theophylline, Thiopental, Tramadol, Urapidil, Valproic Acid and Vecuronium.

Function Enteral and Inhaled Drugs

  • Are commonly used for handling convulsion crisis, anaphylaxis, sedation, analgesia, asthmatic status, intoxications, etc ...

  • The drugs are: Acetylcysteine (NAC), Activated Charcoal, Albuterol/Salbutamol, Budesonide, Codeine, Dexchlorpheniramine, Diazepam, Diclofenac, Epinephrine, Ibuprofen, Ipecac Syrup, Ipratropium Bromide, Loratadine, Metamizol, Midazolam, Paracetamol, Prednisone and Prednisolone.

Enteral and Inhaled Drugs

Function Intravenous InfusionsThere are a total of 19 drugs: Acetylcysteine (NAC), Amiodarone, Dobutamine, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Fentanyl, Flumazenil, Isoproterenol, Ketamine, Labetalol, Midazolam, Nitroglycerin, Nitroprusside, Norepinephrine, Octreotide, Propofol, Thiopental, Valproic Acid and Vecuronium.

function Rate Chest CompressionsSound with 110 beats per minute, which helps to keep a constant pace for thoracic compressions. The sound can be paused and restarted at any time.

Function TimerIt allows a timer to be set up which counts the time devoted to advanced vital support.

You can pause, restart and reset the counter to zero at any time.

Pediatric Support can be active simultaneously the Functions Rate Chest Compressions, Timer and Guides Shockable or Non-Shockable Rhythms, and in turn consult any of the functions of Drugs, Algorithms and Tables or Interventions and Material.

Funtion Shockable Rhythms Guide

Audio guide which indicates the algorithm sequence.

The sequence is reproduced in a rhythm is based on the indications given by the ERC and AHA.

Function Non Shockable Rhythms Guide

Audio guide which indicates the algorithm sequence.

The sequence is reproduced in a rhythm is based on the indications given by the ERC and AHA.

The audio guides can be paused and resumed at any time. When the audio is resumed, it will continue from the point it was paused.

If audio guide is enabled, the function Rate Chest Compressions will be played in the background, to keep the thoracic compression frequency.

This can be changed from the Defibrillation Rhythm Guide to the Non-Defibrillation Rhythm Guide, depending on the child's situation. This change of Guide can also be done during the following 30 seconds after Cardiac Rhythm Evaluation. After that time, the Guide cannot be changed until algorithm sequence Cardiac Rhythm Evaluation is not reached again.

When changes are made between guides, the application controls the adrenaline which has been administered, as well as the discharges made, initiating the algorithm at the correct sequence.

Pediatric Support can be used as training application of the Shockable Rhythms and Non-Shockable Rhythms Algorithms, through the Function Guide.

Pediatric Support is based on the medical practice guidelines recommended by medical literature; in vital paediatric European Resuscitation Council (ERC) and American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines from 2015.

The indicated drug doses are the ones recommended in literature and medical practices in general. However, it is recommended to consult the drug's technical sheet in order to be aware of the indications and usage, contraindications and recommended dosage.

The maximum dose to be administered corresponds to adult doses, unless otherwise specified.


Pediatric Support Video

Awards and Certifications.

Award for the Best Healt App 2013

Awards of Clínica San Francisco (León, Spain).

Popular Vote category.

Pediatric Support Mejos APP Sanitaria 2013